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A boy and girl from Amsterdam are missing in Bolivia since the second half of September 2000. Their names are Bas Pels (35 years old at that time) and Ingrid van Reeuwijk (36 years old). Somehow they were not on the flight back to the Netherlands. They were last seen on 14 September 2000 when they left hotel Majestic in La Paz without leaving a forwarding address.

In the first half of September Bas and Ingrid went hiking, with their tent, following one of the Inca trails west of Sucre. From Sucre they traveled by bus to Potosi and Unyuni, where they have been exploring the region of the salt lakes for another week. From Unyuni they went back to La Paz. It is still unclear what their plans were for the last week.

First they were thought to be in the natural resort Apolobamba (350 km northwest of La Paz). It was also believed that they left Apolobamba trying to circumvent the road blockades that were going on in Bolivia during that time. Traveling around Lake Titicaca through Peru, via Juliaca and Puno, would have brought them closer to La Paz again. But this could not be substantiated.

Updates with the latest news can be found below.

Descriptions and several pictures of Bas and Ingrid are also below.


Anyone that has any information about them please contact the Dutch Embassy in one of these countries:

  • Bolivia:  phone  +591 2 444040
  • Peru:  phone  +51 1 4761069
and/or use one or more of these e-mail addresses:

Any help is greatly appreciated


Description Ingrid van Reeuwijk :

  • age: 36
  • length: 1.73 metres
  • hair: dark blond (thin)
  • firm posture
  • clothes: green jacket with blue stripes on shoulder
  • backpack: blue (with green piece)

Description Bas Pels :

  • age: 35
  • length: 1.75 metres
  • hair: blond
  • thin / normal posture
  • clothes: black jacket or red fleece sweater
  • backpack: black (with red piece)

They are travelling with a green nylon tent.

Some photos of Bas and Ingrid, and their tent

Some photos of Bas and Ingrid, and their tent.


What next?

On 18 October 2001, a memorial meeting dedicated to Bas and Ingrid was attended by hundreds of people. Bas' PhD thesis was presented and we planted a tree dedicated to Bas and Ingrid in the botanical garden of the University of Amsterdam.

It was a wonderful day and it was a relief to share our feelings, but the meeting was also overshadowed by the fact that it is still a mystery what has happened to Bas and Ingrid. We can only hope that some day their case will be solved.

In Bolivia, a few people were arrested because they were in some way or another connected to belongings of Bas and Ingrid which turned up after their disappearance. After a short trial these people were released, apparently because the proof against them could not be substantiated.

15 Jun 2001

For the sake of the investigations being done, we have been asked not to publish more about it than this, but please be assured that the authorities in Bolivia are still actively searching for Bas and Ingrid. Especially the Yunga Cruz trail and the Taquesi trail and their surroundings are receiving attention.

11 Apr 2001

The University of Amsterdam will publish Bas' PhD thesis, which was nearly completed when Bas and Ingrid left for South America. Also a tree dedicated to Bas and Ingrid will be planted in the botanical garden of the university. At a later stage, more information about these private events will be forwarded to family and friends.

No news from Boliva.

22 Mar 2001

Sadly enough, there have not been any new developments at all lately. The Bolivian authorities have not been able to interview the woman of the credit card and traveler's check yet. This is still the only trace known to us.

Please note that the e-mail addresses of Corine van Reeuwijk and of Sido Mylius have changed (see below).

26 Feb 2001

Triggered by a press report released by the ANP, several Dutch media reported again about Bas and Ingrid's diappearance. However, since two months already there has not been made any headway with tracking down their movements.

28 Jan 2001

The woman who found a credit card and traveler's check of Bas and Ingrid has been located in a remote mountain village. Because of bad weather conditions, the police has not yet been able to interrogate her. They will go there as soon as the weather will improve.

4 Jan 2001

A trace! Albeit a vague one. Two days ago somebody came to the police with a small bible with a credit card and a traveler's check inside. The credit card belonged to Bas, and the traveler's check to Ingrid. These items were found by a Bolivian woman on 31 October in the bus from Ventilla to La Paz. It is yet unclear how these documents ended up in the bus and why she kept them so long. Ventilla is about 33 km east of La Paz.

We got some reports about the (unsuccessful) SAR and tourist police operations that were completed in December last year. During the next few days we will translate them and summarize the most important conclusions from these reports.

22 Dec 2000

A Bolivian police team accompanied by personnel from the Dutch embassy in La Paz came back from the trail between Caranavi en Guanay, without any results. There is still one SAR team on its way, which is expected to be back one of these days. Also, still no report from Peru.

9 Dec 2000

The luggage that Bas and Ingrid left behind in La Paz, before they went for another hike, is now with their families in the Netherlands. >From a diary and slide films from the first half of September, it has become clear that Bas and Ingrid did the following: In the first week they went hiking, with their tent, along one of the Inca trails west of Sucre. From Sucre they traveled by bus to Potosi and Unyuni, where they have been exploring the region of the salt lakes for another week. From Unyuni they went back to La Paz. It is still unclear what their plans were for the last week.

No results yet from the Bolovian search team that is following the Choro trail. Also, still no report from Peru.

28 Nov 2000

The two SAR teams that checked the Yunga Cruz trail and the Taquesi trail have completed their investigations. Bas and Ingrid have not been spotted on these Inca trails. The police team that is following the trails from Illumpu to Ancoma and the Choro trail from Cumbre to Coroico will probably be busy with that until 9 December. Still no report from Peru.

20 Nov 2000

In Bolivia, two SAR teams will follow the Yunga Cruz trail and the Taquesi trail respectively. These are Inca trails close to La Paz. Furthermore, the tourism police will follow the trail from Illumpu to Ancoma, and then the Choro trail from Cumbre to Coroico. It will probably take at least a week before they will have completed these trails.

15 Nov 2000

No new traces have been found yet. A new Bolivian police operation is being prepared in collaboration with the Dutch embassy. We got no official report from the Peruvian SAR operation still, but we don't expect much from that side any more.

13 Nov 2000

The Bolivian SAR team completed the trekking between Curva and Pelechuco, without finding anything that could be related to Bas and Ingrid.

9 Nov 2000

Bad news. The report of the Bolivian tourism police about their `control investigations' in the Apolobamba region argues that all previous identifications of Bas and Ingrid in that region were mistakes. It concludes from all investigations (by police, soldiers, park guards, volunteers, local authorities and other people) that it is unlikely that Bas and Ingrid have been in the region at all.

During their investigations, the Bolivian police crossed the border and talked to the Peruvian police at Cojata. They declared that their investigations were also without any result so far. Official reports of the Peruvian team and of the Bolivian SAR team that is following the trekking between Curva and Pelechuco are still due.

So we are back at were we were four weeks ago: The last time Bas and Ingrid were seen was on 14 September, when they left hotel Majestic in La Paz.

8 Nov 2000

The Bolivian police investigations that have been carried out in the Apolobamba region have not been able to confirm the previous identifications of Bas and Ingrid. It seems to be quite possible that local people mistook other travellers for Bas and Ingrid. The SAR team that is following a trekking in the eastern part of Apolobamba is due back on Thursday of Friday. Still no news from the Peruvian side.

4 Nov 2000

Search efforts seem to have continued during the weekend, but without results.

2 Nov 2000

Again, no news yet.

1 Nov 2000

The Bolivian SAR team did not find anything in the area where Bas and Ingrid were supposed to have crossed the border. They will also follow another trekking in the Apolobamba area, which Bas en Ingrid could have followed. The Peruvian team has not reported yet.

31 Oct 2000

No news yet.

30 Oct 2000

Still no traces of Bas and Ingrid. There are rumours that the SAR efforts in Puno have been hampered by bad weather conditions. Hopefully there will be more news on Tuesday.

29 Oct 2000

There were no new developments reported on Sunday.

28 Oct 2000

There were no new developments reported on Saturday.

27 Oct 2000

There were no new developments reported on Friday.

26 Oct 2000

Still no traces of Bas and Ingrid. It was reported that someone had seen them in a shop in Cojata, but this is not confirmed yet.

Messages are being broadcasted on several local radio- an TV stations in the Puno region. Local churches are also supporting the search.

25 Oct 2000

No news whatsoever ...

24 Oct 2000

Again, no news from the different SAR operations and police investigations.

Police teams have left this morning from Puno (Peru) and La Paz (Bolivia) in the direction of the Apolobamba range. They will both search for traces of Bas and Ingrid and aim to meet at Cojata, at the border. There they will decide upon further actions to be taken, depending on what they have found on the way.

23 Oct 2000

Again, no news from the SAR operations or from the police investigations today ...

A private team with volunteers will also search at the Peruvian side of the border.

22 Oct 2000

No news today ...

21 Oct 2000

No results from the Peruvian SAR operation yet.

The Dutch embassies in Lima and La Paz, together with the Peruvian and Bolivian police, have decided that the police teams in both countries will perform a joint operation in the region around Cojata and Cieneguillas, where Ingrid and Bas disappeared. This effort will start on Monday 23 October.

20 Oct 2000

No results from the Peruvian SAR operation yet.

The Dutch embassy in Lima will try to form a second team. One SAR team will concentrate on the Puno/Juliaca region (i.e., the north/western side of Lake Titicaca), the other team on Cojata and surroundings, where Bas and Ingrid are supposed to have entered Peru.

The Dutch Embassy in La Paz and the Bolivian tourist police have decided to do more investigations in the Ulla Ulla national reserve. This should shed more light on the circumstances under which Bas and Ingrid were last seen.

Escoma to Pelechuco -- Click to enlarge

The region from Escoma (lower right) up until Pelechuco (upper right), where Bas and Ingrid are supposed to have disappeared. Lake Titicaca is at the lower left of the picture and the Ulla Ulla / Apolobamba reserve at the upper right. (Click to enlarge.)

19 Oct 2000

The Dutch Embassy in Lima has initiated a SAR operation similar to the one that was active on the Bolivian side of the border. The SAR team concentrates on the Puno region, north of Lake Titicaca, to the area where Bas and Ingrid are assumed to have crossed the border. Messages are broadcasted by local radio stations.

18 Oct 2000

The Bolivian SAR team reported that Bas and Ingrid left Apolobamba on the 23rd of September (instead of the 26th, as was thought previously). It is assumed that they have crossed the Bolivian/Peruvian border around 19:00 hours by foot, starting from the village Cieneguillas. It was dark by then, and it would take them approximately 2 hours to walk to the first Peruvian village across the border, Cojata. They have not been sighted over there. The Bolivian SAR effort has ended.

We assume that Bas and Ingrid wanted to circumvent the road blockades in Bolivia by travelling through Peru, in the direction of Juliaca or Puno (close to Lake Titicaca). But this is speculation.

The Dutch Embassy in Lima is working on the case. A SAR operation will be started also in Peru.

17 Oct 2000

The SAR team reported that they have been sighted on the 26th of September 2000 in the village of Apolobamba, 350 km north of La Paz, close to the Peruvian border. They were recognized by villagers, who reported that they took a van/taxi, trying to cross into Peru. The Dutch Embassy in Lima, Peru has been contacted.

14 Oct 2000

A search-and-rescue (SAR) team of the Bolivian army consisting of 9 experts was formed by the Dutch Embassy in La Paz, Bolivia.

Thanks to Ragnar Hulskamp, Tobias van Kooten and Matthijs Spaan for providing this web space
Sido Mylius,